Filipino Friday (Bonus!): ReaderCon Excitement


So this post was supposed to go up earlier, but the silence got to us a little bit and we forgot. Sorry about that! But look at that — suddenly it’s a week before the (new) Filipino ReaderCon date, again! It felt like this month just breezed through — not easily, if I may add — and now November’s ending and here’s December! And then it’s ReaderCon! Whew.

The last Filipino Friday for the year was supposed to be the fifth one, about what readers want. But since we have a bit more time now, we thought: why not a bonus Filipino Friday for everyone?

So for this Filipino Friday, here’s the question:

What are you most excited about for this year’s ReaderCon?

Are you excited about the panels? What panels are you planning to attend, and why? The book discussions? Have you picked which one to attend? Are you excited to meet some of the awesome local authors we have invited? Are you ready to receive recommendations from the Book Recommendation Fair? Or are you there for the Filipino Readers’ Choice Awards? Are you going with your friends, or alone? Are you excited to meet bloggers and other readers? Tell us what you’re most excited about, and we can spazz about it together as we count down to December 7!

The 3rd Filipino ReaderCon: What Do Readers Want? is 8 days from now! December 7, 8:00am to 6:00pm, and Rizal Library – Ateneo de Manila University. This event is held in partnership with Rizal Library and National Book Development Board (NBDB), and sponsored by Buqo, Fully Booked, Adarna House, Samsung, Scholastic, Flipreads, OMF Literature, Hachette, Simon & Schuster, Island Merchants Corporation, and The Beachsters, with media partners When In Manila and TomasinoWeb. See you next Saturday!